
“Stay on top”

A successful team requires clear goals, effective communication, diversity, leadership, and trust. Be aware of what your team is doing without micromanaging. Knowing what the team is doing is important and gives a clear understanding if all goes as it should.

Team Dashboard

Quick access to team members, “Notes”, “Task” , and “Orders”.
get the “upcoming” or “overdue” tasks and see what has been completed lately. understand what has been worked on within the last few days and what has been added to “Worklists” and “Orders”. Access the data if needed using the shortcuts provided.

Team Dashboard

Team Notes

Get the Top 5 “Open Notes” by System or by Position to find out what to focus on, or where resources need to be provided.

Team Notes Dashboard

Team Reports

As a Head of the Department, run reports to return team related records by position for “Notes” and “Tasks”.

Example Team Report

Request a Demo

NavisApp - Demo Request one line
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